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Captain's Log {Photos}







[Day Photos]

Apr 9 2024


ISO:32; 25mm; f/1.8; 1/145sec

Sep 2 2024


ISO:32; 25mm; f/1.8; 1/155sec

Mar 15 2024


ISO:32; 25mm; f/1.8; 1/141sec

Sep 21 2024


ISO:32; 25mm; f/1.8; 1/206sec


Sep 2 2024


ISO:4000; 25mm; f/1.8; 1/10sec

[Indoor Photos]

Oct 30 2023

October 12 2023


ISO:1250; 25mm; f/1.8; 1/15sec

ISO:500; 25mm; f/1.8; 1/24sec

[School Projects]
{Scavenger hunt}

ISO:640; 50mm; f/10; 1/400sec

-Bicycle- (1 of 1).jpg


ISO:100; 50mm; f/10; 1/160sec

Car - Student Transport (1 of 1).jpg

{Student Transport}[Car]

ISO:6400; 50mm; f/10; 1/3200sec

Lock - Meme - 1 (1 of 1).jpg
Lock - Meme - 2 (1 of 1).jpg

{"You got a Lock on it"} [Small Meme]

ISO:100; 50mm; f/10; 1/320sec

PHS Emblem Phtoto (1 of 1).jpg

{PHS Icon/Emblem}

ISO:800; 50mm; f/10; 1/400sec

Train Photo.jpg


ISO:100; 50mm; f/10; 1/320sec

Plane - Student Transport (4 of 6).jpg

{Student Transport (1)}

ISO:100; 50mm; f/10; 1/320sec

Plane - Student Transport (1 of 1).jpg

{Student Transport(2)}

ISO:800; 50mm; f/10; 1/400sec

One Man's Trash another Man's Treasure (1 of 1).jpg

{"One Man's Trash, Another Man's Treasure"}

ISO:800; 50mm; f/10; 1/400sec

Water - 1 (1 of 1).jpg

{Water - 1}

ISO:4000; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/2000sec

ISO:6400; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/2000sec

Water - 3 (1 of 1).jpg
Water - 2 (1 of 1).jpg

{Water - 2}

{Water - 3}

ISO:800; 50mm; f/10; 1/400sec

Car - Student Transport (6 of 6).jpg


ISO:100; 50mm; f/8.0; 1/80sec

ISO:160; 50mm; f/10; 1/400sec

Reflection (2 of 6).jpg
Small Bus - Student Transport (1 of 1).jpg

{Student Transport} [Small Bus]


{Depth of Field}

ISO:100; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/500sec

Depth of Trees (2 of 5).jpg

ISO:320; 50mm; f/4.0; 1/400sec

Depth of Trees (3 of 5).jpg

ISO:160; 50mm; f/5.6; 1/100sec

Depth of Trees (1 of 5).jpg

ISO:1000; 50mm; f/7.1; 1/400sec

Depth of Trees (4 of 5).jpg

ISO:6400; 50mm; f/22; 1/250sec

Depth of Trees (5 of 5).jpg

{Alphabet Soup}

[ O ]

Alphabet Soup (1 of 19).jpg

ISO:250; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/100sec

[ S/Z ]

Alphabet Soup (2 of 19).jpg

ISO:100; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/3200sec

[ U ]

Alphabet Soup (3 of 19).jpg

ISO:400; 50mm; f/10; 1/1000sec

[ M ]

Alphabet Soup (4 of 19).jpg

ISO:1250; 50mm; f/10; 1/1000sec

[ L ] (Look at Roof)

Alphabet Soup (5 of 19).jpg

ISO:1600; 50mm; f/5.0; 1/640sec

[ E/U/L ]

Alphabet Soup (6 of 19).jpg

ISO:125; 50mm; f/10; 1/160sec

[ H ]

Alphabet Soup (7 of 19).jpg

[ A ]

Alphabet Soup (8 of 19).jpg

[ M ]

Alphabet Soup (9 of 19).jpg

[ K ]

Alphabet Soup (10 of 19).jpg

[ U ]

Alphabet Soup (11 of 19).jpg

[ E ]

Alphabet Soup (12 of 19).jpg

ISO:160; 50mm; f/10; 1/160sec

ISO:2500; 50mm; f/10; 1/160sec

ISO:6400; 50mm; f/10; 1/160sec

ISO:4000; 50mm; f/10; 1/160sec

ISO:100; 50mm; f/10; 1/160sec

ISO:2000; 50mm; f/10; 1/160sec

[ O ]

Alphabet Soup (13 of 19).jpg

ISO:1600; 50mm; f/10; 1/160sec

[ L ]

Alphabet Soup (19 of 19).jpg

ISO:6400; 50mm; f/5.6; 1/30sec

[ O ]

Alphabet Soup (14 of 19).jpg

ISO:6400; 50mm; f/10; 1/160sec

[ E ]

Alphabet Soup (15 of 19).jpg

ISO:2000; 50mm; f/10; 1/160sec

[ L ]

Alphabet Soup (16 of 19).jpg

ISO:800; 50mm; f/16; 1/500sec

[ L ]

Alphabet Soup (17 of 19).jpg

ISO:6400; 50mm; f/14; 1/160sec

[ V ]

Alphabet Soup (18 of 19).jpg

ISO:6400; 50mm; f/14; 1/160sec

{Bad Photos}

[ Blurred ]

[ Under-Exposed ]

[ Over-Exposed ]

Alphabet Soup (2 of 11).jpg

ISO:200; 50mm; f/22; 1/60sec

[ Blurred ]

Alphabet Soup (3 of 11).jpg

ISO:200; 50mm; f/22; 1/60sec

Alphabet Soup (5 of 11).jpg

ISO:100; 50mm; f/22; 1/320sec

[ Blurred ]

Alphabet Soup (1 of 11).jpg

ISO:320; 50mm; f/22; 1/60sec

Alphabet Soup (4 of 11).jpg

ISO:6400; 50mm; f/22; 1/100sec

{One Light}

(!)Captain Detected in Image(!)

Alphabet Soup (11 of 11).jpg

ISO:6400; 50mm; f/20; 1/250sec

{Fill the Frame/Negative Space}

Alphabet Soup (10 of 11).jpg

ISO:200; 50mm; f/22; 1/60sec

Alphabet Soup (8 of 11).jpg

ISO:100; 50mm; f/22; 1/60sec

Alphabet Soup (7 of 11).jpg

ISO:125; 50mm; f/22; 1/40sec

Alphabet Soup (9 of 11).jpg

ISO:500; 50mm; f/22; 1/60sec

Alphabet Soup (6 of 11).jpg

ISO:3200; 50mm; f/22; 1/40sec

{Jump Around}

Alphabet Soup (1 of 1).jpg

ISO:100; 50mm; f/9.0; 1/125sec


(!)Captain Detected in Image(!)

Emulation (1 of 1).jpg

ISO:640; 21mm; f/11; 1/250sec
[EDITED PHOTO;TYPE: "Greyscale"]

Ansel Adams [Emulation].jpg

^ Target Person/Pose ^


\/(!)Captain Detected in Image(!)\/

Two-Light (1 of 1).jpg

ISO:6400; 50mm; f/22; 1/250sec

Two-Light_2 (1 of 1).jpg

ISO:6400; 37mm; f/22; 1/250sec



(!)Captain Detected in Image(!)

Into the Lust layer.jpg

ISO:6400; 50mm; f/22; 1/250sec

{Textured Subject}

Two-Light_Whte-Screen (1 of 2).jpg

ISO:6400; 100mm; f/8.0; 1/60sec

Two-Light_Whte-Screen (2 of 2).jpg

ISO:6400; 100mm; f/4.5; 1/8sec

{Autumn Collage}

Assingment ID- Autumn Collage [2] (1 of 1).jpg

ISO:6400; 50mm; f/4.5; 1/2500sec

Assingment ID- Autumn Collage [5] (1 of 1).jpg

ISO:500; 50mm; f/4.5; 1/250sec

Assingment ID- Autumn Collage [3] (1 of 1).jpg

ISO:1000; 50mm; f/4.5; 1/250sec

Assingment ID- Autumn Collage [6] (1 of 1).jpg

ISO:3200; 50mm; f/4.5; 1/250sec

Assingment ID- Autumn Collage [4] (1 of 1).jpg

ISO:6400; 50mm; f/4.5; 1/2500sec

Assingment ID- Autumn Collage (1 of 1).jpg

ISO:6400; 50mm; f/4.5; 1/2500sec

{Focal Length on Portraits}

||(!)Captain Detected in Image(!) ||

\/              \/              \/

Focal Length-3.jpg

ISO:3200; 18mm; f/22; 4/5sec

Focal Length-2.jpg

ISO:3200; 61mm; f/22; 4/5sec

Focal Length-1.jpg

ISO:3200; 250mm; f/22; 4/5sec

{Christmas Lights Portrait}

(!)Captain Detected in Image(!)

Focal Length-4.jpg

ISO:1600; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/250sec

{Bokeh Lights}

(!)Captain Detected in Image(!)


Bokeh Lights Photo (Edited).jpg

ISO:1600; 24mm; f/2.8; 1/250sec


Focal Length-6.jpg

ISO:12800; 50mm; f/4.5; 1/250

Focal Length-5.jpg

ISO:12800; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/1000sec


Free- Lens.jpg

ISO:250; N/A mm; f/N/A; 1/160sec

Free- Lens-2.jpg

ISO:6400; N/A mm; f/N/A; 4000sec

Free- Lens(3).jpg

ISO:1250; N/A mm; f/N/A; 1/160sec

{Pick a Color}

Pick a Color.jpg

ISO:100; 50mm; f/4.5; 1/250sec

Pick a Color-4.jpg

ISO:6400; 50mm; f/22; 1/500sec

Pick a Color-2.jpg

ISO:125; 50mm; f/4.5; 1/250sec

Pick a Color-5.jpg

ISO:6400; 50mm; f/22; 1/400sec

Pick a Color-3.jpg

ISO:500; 50mm; f/22; 1/160sec

Pick a Color-6.jpg

ISO:6400; 50mm; f/4.5; 1/400sec

{Painting with Light}

Painting With Light.jpg

ISO:200; 50mm; f/5.6; 30sec




ISO:500; 50mm; f/22; 1/400sec

{Fairy Tales}

\/               (?)PHOTOSHOP IN USE(?)                \/

|| (!)Captain Detected in Image(!) ||

\/                                 \/

Titanfall 2 - Fairy Tale photo.jpg
Deathstranding Fairytale photo.png
Focal Length-1.jpg

[Only At Pullman Highschool]


Focal Length-7.jpg

ISO:100; 85mm; f/?; 1/1000sec

Focal Length-8.jpg

ISO:6400; 85mm; f/?; 1/50sec




ISO:500; 50mm; f/22; 1/400sec






© 2024 by Vaan Marler. All rights reserved.

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